Japanese English


1970Born in Osaka, Japan
1991Passed the Japanese Bar Exam
1992Graduated from Doshisha University (LL.B.)
1994Graduated from the Legal Training
and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
1994Admitted to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations
1994-1997Worked at Kansai-Chuoh Law Offices in Osaka, Japan
1998Graduated from the University of Michigan Law School (LL.M.)
1999Admitted to the New York State Bar
1998-2000Visiting Attorney at Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell in Chicago, Illinois
2000Attorney at Kansai Chuoh Law Offices
(formerly Kansai-Chuoh Law Offices)
in Osaka, Japan
2003 – PresentEstablished Tsuchitani Law Office
2015-2016Vise President at the Osaka Bar Association